Tibault & Toad

Posts with tag: baby

handknits for baby

The little knitting project that mentioned the other day is now complete! It is my first real knitting project (other than a small pair of booties that I eeked out before Indy was born). I've done a decent amount of crochet and have been really wanting to get into knitting, but I've always been a little intimidated. I really shouldn't have been! It didn't take me long to get the hang of it, and it opens up a whole new world of wooly projects for me.

The pattern is the Tea Party Top in size 24 months, worked in Lion Brand's Fishermen's Wool, nature brown. I shortened the pattern in an effort to keep it within the half a skein I had left (but of course I ended up running out and having to buy another skein anyways). If I ever make it again, I'll follow the advice of a commenter who recommended lengthening the garter stitch at the bottom to prevent the hem from rolling so much.

Now - adorable baby will model for you. . .

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recently. . .

1. First it snowed on and off for days, beautifully (yay!). . . and then it rained. . .

2. So we've been starting to dream, subtly, of spring, and to beautify our indoor space a little more to ward off the winter blues (that, and taking loads of vitamin D!)

3. I've started on my first knitting project, which is a little bit riddled with mistakes, but it is for Indy and last time I checked she won't notice that the middle of the project suddenly gained four too many stitches. . . somehow. . .

4. This girl: with her new words everyday and her awesome potty-using skills (other than, perhaps, the time she came upstairs and handed Nana a small turd).

5. And this! I'll be 20 weeks (halfway to baby number 2) tomorrow.

Not pictured:

6. Our first try at making homemade pho - it was good, less fennel and more beef bones next time, though.

7. The 3 some days that we had no hot water (yes, I did not shower that whole time).

8. The 3 weeks that our building washing machine was broken, and the new coin-op machines that our landlord just brought in to replace the previously free laundry facilites. Cloth-diapering mama = no happy.

** And congratulations to the randomly selected winner of the Growing Up Herbal giveaway: Sasha Naomi Hettich! (I'll be sending you an email soon)** For those still interested in trying out some GUH products, don't forget to use code "GUHNOELM" at checkout for 5% off!

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