Tibault & Toad

Posts with tag: baby

eats and feats

In six days Scoopy (or Scoops, as we have taken to calling her - I don't know, this girl has a lot of nicknames and they don't all make sense. Past nicknames include but are not limited to: Glowworm, Glow, Indiglow, Bug and Indy-Bug) will be 10 months old! Sheesh! This year is going by way too fast. I can't believe I'll be planning her first birthday party soon. Also, cool weather equals baby cuteness! Who can resist a bundled up baby?!

I would like to start a new monthly post of Indigo Lily updates called "Eats and Feats"! These are admittedly completely self-indulgent, haha. Anyways, this one is a little early, cause I couldn't wait til the 23rd once I had the idea. . .


Indy just recently started taking in enough solid food for it to be worth anything. Breastmilk is still about 90% of her diet, but she's enjoying some of the new tasy additions. She will also only eat any respectable amount of food if its off the floor. She was previously being fed mostly in her chair, but she would throw almost all of her food on the floor, so I would sigh and figure she was done and didn't want anymore, and put her down to play. Only later she would go back and eat all of the food off the floor! Silly baby. Apparently she just doesn't want to eat while restrained. So now she rugs around and plays and goes back periodically to eat a little and then goes and plays again.

Some of her favorite foods this month include:

  • egg yolk
  • fresh and freeze dried strawberries
  • cheerios
  • apples
  • guacamole
  • rice and beans
  • tomatoes (she goes back and forth on this one)
  • mangos
  • bananas
  • cooked carrots/sweet peppers
  • and anything ethnic: particularly pho and panang curry (what can I say, I ate a lot of these two while I was pregnant)


Her mobility/motility has greatly increased:

  • she speed crawls everywhere (as evidenced by the sometimes rug burn on her little baby knees)
  • pulls to a stand easily on everything
  • climbs steps, and tries to climb other less climbable things like pillows and piles of toys
  • she loves taking things in and out of boxes and baskets (she thinks she's being helpful on laundry day)

Physical feats:

  • she's getting in her two top teeth
  • her hair is growing! Oh it's so cute!

Oh, and she throws tantrums now. Is that really a feat? I don't know. Does it matter? She's ridiculously cute. And also sometimes a little smug. . .

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