Tibault & Toad







On Thursday Tennyson turned two. True to our low-key birthday fashion, we went out for pizza and ice cream as a family of four, and over the next several days Tenny opened a couple of birthday gifts from the grandparents. I know the phrase is worn out, but it really does seem like only the other day that he was born. I both feel like I just met him and that I've known him forever, my sweet Buddy. Every night I pray that God would show me the role I am to play in the story He has for him. Each one of our children has that story unfurling before them, and I can't believe we get to help them discover and embark on it. With the same feelings of exhilaration and anticipation that accompany the first few pages of any good book, how can I help but cry "again! again!" to the greatest adventure and privilege in the world! Thank you for teaching me how to mother a son. May I fortify you for your great adventure with more than just ice cream.

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