Tibault & Toad

what we've been up to

I love the fall. It's such a reflective season, and I've been thinking about all the good in my life, and it has made my heart just so full. 

For the last couple of years we've intended to go back to the nursery where we bought the mums to decorate our wedding, and we finally made it over there to get some plants to replace my dying summer porch garden. Being back there was so nostalgic, I could remember the fall day he met me there 3 years ago to help me choose wedding mums like it was just yesterday. We hope to make it a tradition to visit every fall around our anniversary.

We also been french-pressing. . .

delicious apple-butter-making. . .

end of the season-preserving (last ditch pesto, and apple slices). . .

and squeezing in a trip to Cosley Zoo before it gets too cold, to see the animals. . .

What have you been up to?


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