Tibault & Toad

flea market finds (and the return of spiders)

On Saturday we made our way out to the Kane County flea market. If you live in the area and you haven't been, well, seriously, go. We picked up the vintage high chair for only 20 bucks, and the needlework and vintage fabric were a great find as well. I have dress plans for the fabric, but I have to decide on a pattern first.

Last expected frost date has, believe it or not, already passed (was Tuesday!) I'm still hardening off my plants, at least for the rest of the week, and hope to put them in the ground this weekend. Truly, I cannot believe it.

Made this week: rosemary olive oil crackers, using Amanda's recipe, made with einkorn flour and topped with Celtic sea salt, fresh cracked pepper, and toasted sesame seeds. We had picked up some goat cheese rolled in apricots at the grocery store, but were unable to find approve-able crackers, so we made some instead. My first time making crackers, and seriously it was one of the easier baked goods I have made.

Lastly, latte (he)art by my lovely hubby. Love you too mister :) Being that it is something like 80 degrees right now, I can hardly look at that picture, though, and am seriously dreaming of swimming in giant vats of milky iced coffee. Don't mistake this for me complaining about the heat, I love it. Just ask Alan: if I had it my way, we'd forgo the AC altogether and install a cattle trough swimming pool in the backyard instead. The only thing I don't like about the heat? Spiders. Every spider in my whole house has sensed the return of warm weather and, this very day, has crawled out from those deepest, darkest of secret lairs where they have been languishing all winter, formulating, in their dirty, evil little minds, their twisted and sordid plans of overunning the planet. I'm pretty sure that's all true.

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violet time

(If you follow me on instagram you probably recognize that top photo!) How can violets be considered a weed? I guess that lawns aren't technically supposed to be 35% wild violets, but it sure does make for a pretty sea of white and purple in the springtime. (And did you know they're an edible flower?) I can still remember stopping at one particular yard in my neighborhood to pick violets for my mother while walking home from elementary school. Hmm. That was only yesterday, right? 

Made this week: vanilla lemonade (yes lemonade again, I'm obsessed, remember?). I generally start at a 1:1:6 (citrus juice:sweetener:water) ratio and adjust as necessary, which usually means less sweetener. This time a half teaspoon or so of vanilla paste was the addition of choice. Dreamy.

And strawberry ice cream (a Pioneer Woman recipe). 

Tenny and I also made a very productive Hobby Lobby run to get supplies for a couple of different projects (Tenny was a huge help: I spent a lot of time squeezing things into that tiny cart next to Tenny's car seat, and he did his due diligence by kicking them all onto the floor for me), and what do you know the drawer knobs were half off (ya know, like they are every other week or something) and I'd been meaning to swap out the long pulls on the bathroom vanity to make it a little less "clean line modern" and a little more "eclectic vintage." I landed on these blue and white china ones. I forgot to take a "before" picture until I had already started putting on the new knobs, but I think you can still see the difference. Little detail changes like this always make me happy. (Also, excuse Tenny's head. "What, is a picture being taken? Ooh ok let me make sure my head is in it.")

Happy first of May! Enjoy the violets while you can :)

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