Tibault & Toad

Posts with tag: knitting

christmas knits

I had a ton of fun knitting Christmas presents this year. It was the first year that I've really been skilled enough to knit nice things, and I really wanted to challenge myself to knit something for each of the ladies in my family. I learned a bunch of new skills along the way, and spending time hand-picking colors and patterns that I thought each person would like made the giving of the gifts really satisfying. I knit everything in Stonehedge Fiber Mill's Shepherd's wool, the colorways are listed in the various Ravelry links. 

These mittens were for my sister-in-law (sort of? my brother-in-law's wife?) - raveled here. (Aren't you so proud of me?! I'm finally raveling!)

This headwarmer and mittens were for my sister. The mittens were my first time doing cables - fun! Mittens raveled here, bow head band here

This shawlette was for my mother-in-law. This was my first time doing lacework, and it was easier than I expected. This was also the first project I ever bothered to block (you really have to block lace), and now I can't help but block everything! Raveled here

This one was for my mother. This is my all-time favorite color on her. (Ignore the fold in the middle!) Raveled here. 

This circle scarf was for my eldest sister. It's done in a basket stitch, which gives the illusion of under and overlapping. Raveled here

It's tempting to start planning for next year already!

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snow days

I'm sorry that I've been kind of MIA. We've been having the most beautiful snow-storms and cold weather here, and while you'd think that being mostly holed up in the house would mean lots of productivity blog-wise, its really resulted in some other thing I don't totally understand but might be akin to cabin fever (though not really, since I'm not necessarily itching to get out.) I think maybe its just the excitement of a period of time that feels different and therefore its hard to stay on track with normal life routines. I just want to play in the snow and drink hot tea, is all!

Indy has been loving this snow. I bundle her up and send her outside every chance I get, and she comes back inside with boogers frozen on her chin. Ahh, to be a kid again. That smell of melting snow on her scarf and winter air in her hair brings so many memories rushing back.

Anyways, things seem to be settling back to normal on all fronts, and I'll be back in this space more regularly again. Enjoy that cold weather folks!

(Ooh and I forgot to add, I knit Indy another Vintage Pixie Cap, which I've knit for her before, but this time I knit it tighter and with a worsted weight yarn - Stonehedge Fiber Mill's Shepherd's Wool in Lakeshore, a much better fit and nice and warm, especially when layered over a little jersey hat!)

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