Tibault & Toad


Thanksgiving was just how I like it: cold and quiet. There are only a handful of years I can remember it snowing before thanksgiving, and I love it. It totally puts me in a cozy holiday mood.

We started the day watching the Macy's Day Parade, and then headed over to my parent's house (along with my sisters and their husbands, Indy's two cousins, and Alan's parents). I didn't take as many pictures this year as I was hoping, and when I looked back through the camera I was like "these are all of food!" Fair enough. Everyone contributed and the food was very good. Alan and I supplied a pasture-raised turkey again this year from Honored Prairie, and used Pioneer Woman's brine recipe: apple cider, salt, brown sugar, rosemary, orange peels, peppercorns, garlic and bay leaves. I dare say it might be one of the best turkeys I have ever had. And of course pie (pumpkin and a caramel-apple cider pie), recipes from The Hoosier Mama Book of Pie. Indy played all day, straight through her nap, and when I was buckling her into the car to go home that night she said "mommy, can I go to sleep?" ". . .ummm. . .yyyyes?" And she closed her little eyes and did just that.

I hope you all had a splendid Thanksgiving as well.

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