Tibault & Toad

birthday babe

My Tennyson! Today he turns one, and I suppose I should finally throw away the placenta that's in the deep freezer. I'm writing this post at 6 pm, which means that last year at this time I was less than an hour into holding my new babe. I won't wax poetic (except, of course, for the actual poem I've included - how could I not? consider his namesake. . .), nor will I lament how quickly it goes by or that he's not a baby anymore, because I am truly and only glad: glad that he was born and glad to celebrate a whole year with him and that he's multiplied our family's love to four times. This morning he celebrated his day by enjoying one of our classic banana smoothies for the first time. He's got straw skillz guys. We're not planning a big party or anything, just a little family bbq at our house this weekend so that those nearest and dearest to Tenny can celebrate him with us. (By the way, if he's looking a little Quasimodo to you, it's because Indigo shoved an entire dishtowel down the back of his onesie, which Alan only brought to my attention after I took these pictures.) 

And to commemorate this day of his birth, a poem, of which he can surely be embarassed when he is a teenager :)


A silent seed,

he started late in fall

as everything was furling, 

flaking brown,

all winter long her belly swelling,

arms and thighs and bosom flushing, full,

abating breath,

until the cusp of summer was so close

he couldn’t wait

and quickly with her hum then cry

he was born, 

first under the surface in the warm, dark pool

of water and sweat,

then into the air, unfurling from the caul,

soles and palms

wrinkled poppy petals.

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the return of summer

For the past five to 10 years, because of either choice or circumstance, summers haven't found me outside all that much. Between classic teenage laziness, working, or in the case of the past few years, apartment living, I've spent most of the summer days inside air-conditioned cars, houses, or stores. This lead me to believe that the magic of summer had faded with age, and that there was likely no magic left to be sought, even if I had desired it. As this season has rolled around and begun to unfold, every warm morning has left me dizzy from inhaling the dewy air, every evening has found me giddy from the smell of burning firewood lingering around our neighborhood. At night I wash my muddy feet in the tub, such a forgotten but familiar ritual, and when I nurse Tenny back to sleep in the early morning, just before the sunrises but it's still dark, the distinctive break-of-day song of the birds has me feeling like I could open my eyes to the walls of my childhood bedroom. The magic has always been there, but it lives outside and only creeps through open windows. I read a long time ago that smell is the sense most strongly linked to memory, and I'm frequently aware of that fact. For the first time in many years I am experiencing all of the familiar smells of summer, and they're unlocking so many dusty memories that I didn't even know were still buried in the back of my mind. I'm loving the humid heat, the billowing and pulling of the curtains at our bedroom windows, the sun stinging the back of my neck and the smell of the garden hose. I'm so grateful for our screened porch, which ushers us into the yard, I'm even grateful for those annoying mosquitoes bothering me while I'm pulling weeds (okay wait. . . no I'm not).

Our tiny family members, though, do not seem to be as grateful for the heat. People always say that kids don't seem to mind the heat, but I think the grump meter over here might say otherwise. Indy spent literally 5 hours tantruming the other day. The original offense that set it off was my refusal to let her eat inside when the rest of us were eating on the porch, and the resulting hoopla in her room wore her out so much that she eventually passed out on the floor. So disturbed was she by the whole ordeal that she woke up probably 4 times during the night, screaming her head off, refusing to let anyone know what was the matter or what she wanted, and refusing to go back to sleep. It was so unlike her that I think Alan and I lost more sleep from worrying about her than from her waking. Tantrums are certainly naughty behavior, but I was also reminded of how hard it must be to be so small with such big emotions and to not really know how to deal with them all the time. For that aspect of it, I try to have a little grace. The dandelions Indy picked from the yard for me help with that :)

In the garden: everything is in the ground in the other raised bed - two types of tomatoes and melons, basil, and jalapenos. I companion planted cucumbers under the sugar snap peas, which will take over the trellis when they're done, and put in corn and sunflowers along the fence. The carrots are growing, and the spinach is so productive I can't keep up (I'm giving it away, and blanching and freezing some as well).

Made last week (and the week before): Jamaican spinach soup, recipe from the real food meal plans by Holistic Squid (we've been doing these meal plans for 3 months or so now, and they are awesome - they come as a weekly email that includes 6 meals with enough leftovers for most lunches, directions to make everything from scratch, chicken stock every week, a complete shopping list, and all with ingredients we approve of!) Strawberry rhubarb crisp from this recipe, but with less sugar, and heavy on the strawberries. Blueberry lemonade (with frozen wild blueberries).

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